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Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. -Kevin Trudeau


 By honouring your body as you learn new ways of moving & being you're encouraged to participate at a level that is most beneficial to you.

By honoring your individuality & uniqueness you're enabled to grow with grace and confidence.


If you are pushing yourself in order to look a certain way or to impress the person on the mat beside you, you have stopped practicing yoga.


All classes are held at the Flowerpot Yoga Shala - 3947 Channel Hwy Flowerpot Tas

The Flowerpot Yoga Shala is a small studio situated in beautiful Flowerpot in the lower Channel in Southern Tasmania.

Please go to Bookings Online to book your class  

To purchase an individual class,6 class pass or term pass, please go to Plans & Pricing





Class Descriptions

Thursdays 9.30 am - 10.30 am

Gentle morning flow  will have you smiling and ready to  go.  

A gentle approach, incorporating hatha, vinyasa & yin yoga to  bring ease to tight bodies & lightness to the heart.  

Explorations of pranayama & meditation will leave you floating. 

Thursdays 11 am - 12 pm

Glow Flow - A great class if you like a little challenge. 

focusing on strength building & balance. 


Sacred Rest

2.5 hour Restorative yoga & Yoga Nidra Immersion


Session dates can be found on the "Special Things" page or " Book Onine" 


Restorative yoga & Yoga Nidra can help relieve  tension held in the mind and body. 

During practice the lights are off
The body is placed in position completely supported  with bolsters and blankets 
The eyes are covered with eye pillows, the body with a blanket  while you rest into each pose for 10-15 minutes.
The relaxation response is activated 
muscles release, 
Held tension releases 
Breath becomes smooth and free
skeleton aligns, 
energy moves, releasing physical and emotional blockages & tension
The body feels open
The mind becomes clear


Restorative yoga is beneficial for recovery from injury, illness, depletion of energy both physical and mental and emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, grief and sadness 

Yoga Nidra is a wonderfully healing guided meditation technique documented to be effective in treating all stress related conditions including PTSD. 
This beautifully simple practice has so many benefits, from improving sleep & addressing insomnia, as well as assisting with the reduction of chronic pain. 
Many people experience insights & inspirations during the practice of Yoga Nidra. 
During the practice the brain comes into theta & delta states. Theta waves are always creative, characterised by feelings of inspiration. 



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