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Hi, I'm Diane,

I've been practicing Yoga for more than 30 years & teaching for over 13 

After years of personal practice there was no ignoring the message that I was receiving... teach Yoga..                       

Sankalpa Yoga, has very strong grounding in the philosophical aspects of Yoga, a strong understanding of the deeper concepts of Yoga, this was the place for me..


I have  an avid interest in wholistic healing and believe that Yoga helps to  facilitates all levels of health, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. 


I know Yoga has the capacity to transform the body and the mind, bringing  health, calm, peace and positivity into your life.

I know this because this has been my experience.. I live with an autoimmune condition,

Yoga has been & still is one of the primary tools that keeps me (and so many others) healthy & balanced..

I've lived the reality of wondering if I would ever feel better, of life being exhausting, feeling the panic that life may never be anything but a bunch of symptoms that made it almost impossible to function at a normal level.

I know the grief of missing out on the fun and even making up excuses for not attending events so that friends and family wouldn't know just how unwell I was,.

The isolation and loneliness of living with an autoimmune condition can be just so depressing.,

Slow, mindful Yoga can definitely help you too.


If you are also living with an autoimmune condition & would like to work with me one on one, please reach out, I have been walking this path for a while, I have a specific skill set that can help you manage your daily life & feel better.


There is a deep inner knowing that comes from our own experience. I believe it is this embodied knowledge, when recognised and honored, in turn becomes wisdom.


Through the practice of Yoga and other healing modalities we are given the opportunity to discover and access our own innate wisdom enabling us to live a beautiful life.


Yoga gives us a place to feel at home in our body, and for a lot of people, for the first time.

Yoga offers a place to truly feel the body, to hear what the body is saying

Our bodies & spirit are continually communicating with us, Yoga teaches us how to listen.


I believe encouraging individuals to participate at a level that is most beneficial to them,

Yoga is not a competitive activity.


My Training


Registered Yoga Teacher Training 500 hour Diploma - .Sankalpa Yoga- Life in Balance College - Australia


Restorative Yoga Teacher Training - Cindy Lee - U.S.A.


Pre & Post Natal Yoga Teacher Training - Bliss Baby Yoga Australia


Mindful Meditation Teacher Training - U.S.A


Yoga for Chronic Pain and Fatigue Teacher Training – Aroga Yoga


Yin Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Training - Jennifer Raye - U.S.A.


Science of Slow Yoga Teacher Training - Kristine Kaoverii Weber - U.S.A.


Tame the pain - Ana Forest - Australia


Japanese Yoga masters Healing - Saburo & Hisae Ishi, Kenzo & Sayuri Ito, Masako Kuino, and Sumiko Tanaka - Australia


I-Rest Yoga Nidra - Donna Fahi - Australia


Dru Yoga workshop with Andrew Wells Director, Dru Yoga and Meditation,  -  Australia


Transforming Trauma - Lynn Romeo  -Australia


Usui Reiki Level 2 - U.S.A.


Raindrops Plus Therapy - Australia


Guided Imagery and Music – Satyamo Judy Robert RGMIT - Australia


Hydrotherapy Massage & Nutrition Certification - Australia


Lomi Lomi Massage Certification - Australia


Australian Bush Flower Remedies - Australia


Active after schools trainer- Children’s Yoga


Live life get active trainer – Adults Yoga


Countless online trainings and independent study


Vipassana Meditation


Registered with Yoga Australia - RYT 500 hour




Yoga Love Freedom - Founder- Senior Teacher


Flowerpot Yoga Shala - Founder - Senior Teacher


Alcheme Urban Retreat - Co Founder -  Senior teacher


Seven Arrows YogaArt Workshops & Retreats - Co-Founder - Senior teacher



My influences are:


The late Parasmahansa Yogananda, whose seminal work Autobiography of a Yogi spoke to my heart and inspired my soul.


Vergie Estcourt - Who's life was dedicated to healing the body, mind & spirit of so many.


Ram Dass


Nichala Joy Devi


Endra O’May


Angela Farmer,


Cindy Lee


Bessel Van der Kolk


Travis Elliot


Les Levinthal


My beautiful, amazing students

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